Learning Toys for Kids

A secret note that most parents do not want to admit is that most of the toys out there are educational for the kids in one way or another. Even the most shameless movie-tie in or around-the-corner animated flick, if it gets the child stimulated, kicking the world of imagination and fostering pretend play, has some kind of value.

Learning toys for kids


However, some toys have more instructional value for children compared to other gadgets, and if you are looking into working on specific areas of learning with your kids – or developing a bud of interest – then you might want to learn more about the intricacies of learning toys budding in the market.

Many domestic institutes, experts and of course, mothers, together, have discovered toys that rank highly on both entertainment and learning. The teams spend months meeting with different toy companies to stay up-to-date with the latest offerings, then calls them in to place in labs for safety tests, durability check and ensuring well-construction.

The toys are explored to see if they have skill-building attributes across a range of development skills including physical such gross and find motor, educational (reading and mathematics) and socio-emotional self-regulation.


Experts and stats

According to the recent report by the market tech firm, Technavio, the global learning toy market is set to a high compound annual growth rate of close to 10 percent till the end of this year, 2021. That is a big achievement for the sphere that constantly has to keep up with the latest child trends, helping them learn skills outside the classroom through active, hands-on play.

Professor Trawick-Smith says that experts like him are cautious about recommending some toys to families since not all playthings are the same, varying across cultures and children. However, one recent trend is emerging from the recent Naeyc studies that can serve as a guide to families as they choose the learning toys for their kids: basic is always better.

The high-scoring toys on the list have been the renowned ones such as wooden building blocks, road signs, and classic construction toys. These toys are considered relatively open-ended and have been around for a long time. The simplicity and fun of it is the main reason why children have kept them around for the longest time!

The Magic of Learning Toys

Best believe, playing is important to children. It is the best way they start learning the practicalities of life. Kids do not need many toys as you may think but what they do want is a better quality, the most creative plaything on the block.

Therefore, the best toys for your kids are open-ended. While encouraging to develop your child’s imaginative skills, learning toys also promise to boost creative and problem solving skills. An open-ended toy chest would have blocks, balls, cardboards, crafty bits and pieces.

Picking the right kind of learning toy for your child is not as simple as it sounds. Many toy boxes have the age information on the packaging and it is important to follow through with the age recommendation for the mental and personal safety of your child. Learning toys are known to be divided into groups depending on the skill development and “brainy” levels of the toddler.

For instance, toys for physical development are blocks, bikes and puzzles. These vary greatly from toys made solely for social, intellectual and sensory boosting. For sensory build-up the learning gadgets usually range from musical instruments, dress up clothes, books and crayons. Children are, indeed, the best learners as they are able to retain so much of what they have picked up through action play.

Why invest in them?

Educational toys are important for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers to have a direct experience with the world around them and learn what goes into making it adaptable. The basic function of the toys is to ensure children have a fun time playing with, but the fundamental abilities such as cognitive thinking and problem solving are key to developing a child’s brain.

One of the best ways to find out what learning tool is the most suitable for your child is by observing them and being aware of the areas the little one still has space left to grow in.

The designers, while constructing the blue print for learning toys, take into account the child’s motor development as well. That is one of the main reasons why smart educational toys respond actively to a child’s motor development: from the first reflex action to building up the fine skill of holding a pen steadily.

The building blocks, for example, are perfect to fit in little hands and have attractive colours to capture children’s attention. And when your child is finally ready, it puts the pieces together, encouraging the child to keep on going further.

It is important for children to learn social skills from pre-school age and nothing could be better than using learning toys to build it. Because they make it possible to use imagination and make role-play, a child is able to advance empathy from a very young age.

Empathy helps children become more self-aware and better able to speak up for what they need. The skill also helps them regulate their own emotions and be more independent.


Learning toys: simple, fun and safe

Toys much always be fun, safe and simple. Some toys which you may buy for your kids can contain substances that are harmful for them. Easiness and straightforwardness is mandatory for healthy play, learning and eventually, complete growth of your child. Since each youngling has their own preference for a plaything, buy toys based on their interests and disinterests.

The visual perfection should be level one, with a beneficial skill meant to be learned. Making education fun for children can help them develop a positive attitude towards life while increasing the thirst for knowledge and invention. Each time, it is only a step ahead and no looking back with educational toys being the perfect foundation!